No Insurance? Don't worry.
Coming to see us doesn't have to break your budget. Give us a call and make an appointment, or simply walk in whenever you want to see one of our providers. Whether you need a complete physical exam, blood work, vaccines, prescription or refill, referral for a specialist, or just want to address a specific concern, we can make it happen.
For our cash paying patients we offer a special discounted price of $60 for your initial visit and can happily write you a prescription as needed.
With your initial visit, for only $30, we offer a 14-day follow-up policy. Here's how it works: if you are not getting better after one of our providers initially sees you, you can return for as many rechecks for the same illness within 14 days. This allows us to make sure that you are on the right track to getting better. If one of our practitioners determines that you have an illness that requires more advanced care than we can provide, we will help find the right specialist for you.
If you want to save time and avoid a last minute trip to the urgent care, United Care offers discounted cash specials on numerous medical procedures and services. Come see us for minor cuts, lacerations, scrapes and other aches. Check out our fee schedule for all of our cash deals. If you have questions on any of the listed prices please call us, we are happy to help.