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We are committed to working with all different types of insurances and life circumstances. Referrals are an important part of HMO/PPO insurance plans because they allow our primary care practitioners to keep track of the care you require and to ensure that care is appropriate for you. Not only is it our goal to provide our patients with first line routine care, preventive medicine and treatment for common complaints but we are also responsible for coordinating your care outside of our clinic.

A referral is required when one of our practitioners recognizes a service or special procedure that he/she cannot provide. UCFMC’s referral specialist will oversee your referral process, handling the paperwork and information that is needed for you to been seen by a specialty doctor. We are also available to answer questions and assist in any problem that may hinder your referral.

Our experienced referral team makes seeing a specialist straightforward and uncomplicated, the process routinely takes 3 steps. First, meet and discuss your medical concerns with one of our primary care practitioners. Second, if a referral is required as part of your treatment plan your primary care practitioner will then send your information and diagnosis to the specialist you need. Lastly, you will be notified that your referral has “been approved” either by a call from our office or by direct mail, at that point you call the specialist office and an appointment.